Posts Tagges video games

  • Bienvenue dans ma chambre
    Présentation d'un nouveau personnage... Introducing a new character...
    Welcome in my room (Titash)
  • Georges le Kangourou
    Dessin pour FuzzByRoo. / Artwork for FuzzByRoo.
    Georges the Kangaroo - For FuzzByRoo, by Titash
  • Mais quel tricheur !
    Dessin pour Ekihnox. / Drawing for Ekihnox.
    Mais quel tricheur ! (by Titash with Ekihnox)
  • Ratchet
    Fanart Ratchet and Clank. / Ratchet and Clank fanart.
    Ratchet (Ratchet and Clank) by Titash
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